Nature-Throid, WP Thyroid, NP Thyroid, ERFA Thyroid, and Thyroid-S are different brand names that are also available.
Desiccated thyroid extract, also called natural desiccated thyroid or NDT and porcine thyroid, is a prescription medication made from animals’ desiccated (dry) thyroid glands. DTE drugs include:
- Armour Thyroid
- Nature-Throid
- Erfa Thyroid
- NP Thyroid
- Thyroid-S
- Thiroyd
- TR Thyroid
- Wp Thyroid (Westhroid Pure)
They are still trendy among holistic, alternative, and, integrative doctors as a thyroid hormone replacement therapy for hypothyroidism (thyroid disease usually caused by an underactive thyroid).
The History of Desiccated Thyroid Extracts
Natural thyroid preparations, mainly DTE, were first used in the 1890s. They were the standard treatment for hypothyroidism up to the mid-1970s. Some reports suggest that animal thyroid glands were used in China 500 years ago.
Natural thyroid was first developed from cows’ and sheep’s thyroid glands. However, Armour meat began to market its thyroid medication – Armour Thyroid. All prescription NDT now comes from pig thyroid. The only porcine extract in the form of a dietary supplement is Real Thyroid from Vietnam.
DTE includes thyroxine, triiodothyronine, and calcitonin (T4). T4, T3, calcitonin, and T4 are all produced by the normal thyroid gland.
Healthcare providers did not widely prescribe synthetic T4 (levothyroxine), first made available in the 1950s because it did not have T3 like DTE, and doctors were reluctant to recommend it. Since it doesn’t have T3 like DTE, taking levothyroxine could easily lead to T3 deficiencies. Porcine desiccated thyroid extract at that time was significantly cheaper than synthetic levothyroxine.
Manufacturers of levothyroxine begin their smear campaign…
At the same time, concerns were growing about DTE’s potency. DTE’s alleged shelf life was limited, and the active hormones contained in it were allegedly highly variable. According to levothyroxine manufacturers, it could have as much as twice the amount required or none at all!
Since that time, DTE opinion has not fully recovered from this bad reputation, despite the fact that even though the U.S. Pharmacopeia content standards for potency stabilization were revised in 1985. Throw dirt enough, and some will stick…

Scientific proof that T4 thyroid hormone can be converted into T3.
Scientists discovered that T4 could be converted to T3, easing the concern that levothyroxine used as a standalone therapy could cause T3 deficiency. The lab test that checks thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) was also developed in 1971. This allegedly allowed healthcare professionals to monitor the effects of hormone-replacement medication. According to levothyroxine producers and scientists bought by them, the TSH test alone was sufficient to determine the correct dose of thyroid medication.
Newfound awareness of T4’s conversion into T3 (before it was believed that the thyroid gland was the only organ producing T3), the introduction of the TSH test, lobbing, and marketing efforts led to a trend toward increasing prescribing of levothyroxine by healthcare providers as the only treatment for hypothyroidism. In 1974, levothyroxine was declared the “agent of choice” in all treatment recommendations.
DTE began to regain popularity in the 1990s despite the preference of the doctors for levothyroxine to treat hypothyroidism. This was due to increased interest in natural medicine. Patients who were not feeling well on levothyroxine were becoming more educated and aware of other treatment options, such as Nature-Throid. This was partly due to the internet.
Who is DTE for?
Although most people tolerate the standard thyroid therapy with levothyroxine well, plenty of individuals experience hypothyroid symptoms or low T3 levels even though they have normal TSH levels. Scientists have been studying the relationship between these three organs to understand why some people develop hypothyroidism while others do not. There are problems among all tree partners: the pituitary, thyroid gland, and hypothalamus communicate poorly with each other; this leads to low production of thyroid.
Suppose you are currently taking levothyroxine (brands include Synthroid and Levoxyl) and still feel unwell. In that case, it may be worth talking to your healthcare provider to discuss adding liothyronine or switching to DTE. You might also consider taking over-the-counter DTE.
What are the advantages of using Desiccated Thyroid Extract?
DTE can offer many benefits:
- DTE is a safe, affordable, and effective alternative to synthetic thyroid medications.
- In addition, DTE is often more affordable than most synthetic drugs, and it is more effective in treating hypothyroidism.
- Contains both T3 and T4 hormones for a more physiological replacement therapy
- Even rigged studies funded by levothyroxine manufacturers prove that it is preferred by most patients, even when it’s significantly underdosed!
An online survey of 12,146 hypothyroidism patients treated with levothyroxine or levothyroxine and liothyronine, or DTE in 2018, found that DTE users were happier with their treatment than those who received the other types of therapy. DTE patients also reported less frequent problems with weight, fatigue, memory, brain fog, or energy problems than those in the other two groups.
It may be easier to lose weight with desiccated thyroid extracts
DTE was compared to levothyroxine in a 2013 study that analyzed 70 patients with primary hyperthyroidism. For 16 weeks, the patients were randomly assigned to be taking a low dose of natural desiccated thyroids or a high dose amount of levothyroxine.
The study was designed for desiccated thyroid extract to fail because of rigged natural desiccated thyroid to the levothyroxine conversion chart. How could that be rigged and set up?
Patients were getting relatively high doses of levothyroxine, but the same patients, when assigned to the NDT group, were given a relatively low amount of DTE.
E.g., a Person given 100mcg of levothyroxine (T4) a day would be given 60 mg (1 grain) of desiccated thyroid extract a day. How much T4 and T4 hormones does 1 grain. It contains a maximum of 39 mcg of T4 and 9mcg of T3, for a total of 48 mcg.
So the results of the person given 100mcg of synthetic thyroid hormone a day for 16 weeks would be evaluated against the same person being assigned later 48 mcg of natural thyroid hormones a day for 16 weeks.
After that, they switched to the opposite drug for 16 more weeks.
Surprisingly $$$$ the study concluded that there were no significant differences between DTE and levothyroxine regarding heart rate, blood pressure, or thyroid hormone levels.
- Patients receiving a low dose of DTE lost on average 3 pounds in this study! While being on too small of a dose!
- Nearly 49 percent of participants preferred too low of a dose of DTE to the other, while almost 19% preferred levothyroxine. Only 33 percent indicated no preference.
- Half of the people report an improvement in symptoms.
- Some patients who took DTE reported that their moods and mental symptoms (such as happiness, memory, and concentration) improved significantly. However, the study did not show significant differences in general health or neuropsychological testing between DTE and LT4 (levothyroxine).
Can you imagine the results if the studies were not bought and paid for by Big Pharma? What would the impact be if the dose of DTE were correct? E.g., if people taking 100mcg of levothyroxine were given 2 grains (for a total T3+T4 of 96mcg)?
The final results of this study (bought and paid for by Big Pharma) are not good (for Big Pharma) :
This study shows that 257% more patients prefer desiccated thyroid extract over levothyroxine (than the other way around!)
Cost of Armour Thyroid treatment vs. levothyroxine treatment
Armour Thyroid is the most pricey brand of desiccated thyroid extract. Still, other American DTE brands such as Nature-Throid and NP Thyroid are comparable to or less expensive than leading levothyroxine brand names. DTE from Thailand or Vietnam might be quite costly because of the shipping expenses.
NDT drugs drawbacks:
Possible Shortages
Sometimes DTE is not available in sufficient quantities, as was the case from 2009 to 2010 and 2018 to 2019. You may need to order DTE from Canada, Thailand, and Vietnam and switch brands if this happens.
Market Fluctuations
DTE is susceptible to market conditions that affect pork. In China, where most of the thyroid powder for American and Canadian brands and compounding pharmacies come from, an African Swine Fever took a $100-billion toll. This disease caused a rise in prices for pork products, including DTE, with up to half of the country’s pig population being killed or culled.
Hormonal concerns
DTE contains slightly different amounts of T4/T3, making them less accurate and more difficult to find the proper dosage. Armour Thyroid, for example, states that active ingredients in its medication are “similar” from one tablet to the next.
How much T4 is there in Natural Desiccated Thyroid?
By US law, 1 grain (60 mg) of natural desiccated porcine thyroid powder should have between 34.2 up to 41.8mcg of T4 per grain. Average being right around 38mcg of T4 per grain.
How much T3 is there in Natural Desiccated Thyroid?
By US law, 1 grain (60 mg) of natural desiccated porcine thyroid powder should have between 8.1-9.9mcg of T3 per grain.
Does Natural desiccated thyroid contain too much T3?
According to outdated, levothyroxine manufacturers funded science, NDT contains “too much T3”. Different hormone balances exist in animals than in humans. DTE has a 4:1 ratio between T4 and T3, whereas humans (on average) have a closer ratio of 10 to 1 or even 14:1.
Levothyroxine manufacturers funded scientists, and medical practitioners influenced by them are afraid that NDT treatment may cause a temporary high level of T3 due to this.
T3 is many times more active than T4 and can cause temporary thyrotoxicosis (too much thyroid hormone) if you take DTE (at a very high, once-a-day dose, on an empty stomach) within two to four hours from taking tablets. Thyrotoxicosis refers to a condition where your thyroid hormone levels are too high.
Considerations and Risks of desiccated thyroid hormone use
The thyroid is a very potent substance, so DTE has potential side effects, as with all medications and some OTC dietary supplements.
Improper Use
Whether synthetic or natural, thyroid hormones should not be used to combat obesity or weight loss. A thyroid hormone will not help someone with normal thyroid function lose weight.
Natural thyroid hormones should not be used if you are allergic to any of its ingredients, including pork, as well asand if your thyroid is overactive (hyperthyroidism) or you have untreated adrenal problems. DTE should be avoided by women who are pregnant.
Other serious health conditions
Your medications may need to be adjusted if you have any other medical conditions, such as diabetes, heart disease, or adrenal problems. Consult your healthcare professional or knowledgeable metabolic witch doctor.
Medication Interactions
It would help if you inform your doctor about any prescriptions or over-the-counter medications, vitamins, supplements, or herbal products that you are taking. DTE may interact with some of these, especially calcium and iron supplements.
Supplements and out-of-country purchases
Glandular thyroid support supplements that a doctor does not prescribe are usually not the same as DTE and should not be used in place of prescription thyroid hormone replacement medication as they often do not contain any T4 or T3. You need to be aware that all prescription-strength DTE are of porcine origin. Only a selected few OTC dietary supplement has the same ingredient. As a rule, bovine thyroid glandular products are much less potent; most of them are hormone-free.
Is Natural Desiccated Thyroid an FDA-Approved drug?
DTE was not approved by the (Food and Drug Administration) because DTE was used long before that agency existed. Although it is FDA-regulated in the USA, it has not been subject to the same application process as new drugs introduced after the FDA was established. It is not FDA-approved.
How to talk to your healthcare provider about DTE
Talk to your healthcare provider if you are being treated for hypothyroidism using only levothyroxine and still experience hypothyroidism symptoms. Although DTE has been around for over 100 years, because of levothyroxine manufacturerss’ lobbying, it is still considered controversial.
It can be difficult to find qualified healthcare providers who will recommend it. Teachers and professors funded by the pharmaceutical industry taught today’s healthcare professionals that levothyroxine was the only acceptable treatment for hypothyroidism.
Many healthcare professionals don’t know that DTE is still safe and can be safely used to treat hypothyroid patients. Some people believe it is difficult to prescribe DTE. Unfortunately, these ideas are reinforced by negative comments from levothyroxine representatives, unfounded rumors about DTE being taken off the market, as well as other anecdotal information.
Tell your healthcare provider that you have done extensive research on DTE. Recent studies have shown that DTE can be very beneficial to people who aren’t taking levothyroxine well. Although the American Thyroid Association stated in 2012 that DTE should not ever be used for hypothyroidism treatment, it acknowledged in its 2014 recommendations that DTE, or a combination synthetic T4/T3 therapy, can work well in some cases.
Your healthcare provider might refuse to offer DTE as an option unless you give them a very good reason. This could be an indication that your doctor is not a holistic or integrative practitioner who is more familiar with the entire range of thyroid medication options. Select a practitioner whom you feel comfortable with.
3 thoughts on “Armour Thyroid and Other DTE Drugs”
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I was recently diagnosed with hypothyroidism. My doctor allowed me to think about what option I would like to use. I would like to try thyroid supplementation medication (instead of thyroid replacement medication); and DTE, apparently, is the only avenue that allows for thyroid supplementation.
I am 64 years old now, and will be 65 in 2024. Current literature reflects that persons 65 years and older can only receive thyroid replacement medication. Is that true, and if so why? (I am believing the LORD to heal me of this thyroid challenge, or at least keep it manageable via thyroid supplementation medication).